The Exact One Time Charge System links the printing of the ticket at the entry of the wash to the POS system at the exit eliminating charge calculation errors as well as other benefits. The ticket dispensed at the front of the wash prints a barcode, a backup number if the barcode does not work and a serial number for ticket tracking. This allows the customer to pay for their wash at the exit via a manned POS system or at an optional exit Teller which can be programmed to accept Cash, Credit Cards, Gift Cards, or Fleet Cards. Both the POS and Teller systems have bar code readers for ease of calculating charges and the POS has the option of generating a ticket with a built-in grace period which can be used to exit the wash.
- The basic system includes the Exact Series IV POS with a bar code reader and a ticket spitter for printing tickets at the front of the wash.
- Automatic charge calculation including a minimum charge, grace time, charge per minute, and adjustable rounding.
- The ticket Spitter is made from Stainless Steel with a built-in heater
- The built-in anti-theft system at the front of the wash prevents customers from trying to print a second ticket
- Reporting to allow auditing for tickets printed versus paid.
- Built-in Gift card capability with date and time use tracking
- Built-in Fleet accounts with invoicing including date and time tracking
- Optional Automated Exit Teller with built-in Bar Code scanner which accepts cash, coin, credit cards, gift cards and fleet cards with the ability to give change and an optional receipt
- Optional Automated Exit Teller with credit card and code
- An optional Cash Drawer and Card Reader can be added to the POS.
- Optional Rotary Selector Switch with Start Button
- Works with Exacta Touch Screen Bay Masters
- Ticket Splitter Has 8 Inch Paper Roll
- Optional Gate with Loop Detectors
Time Charge Brochure