Exacta Support
This site is for use by customers, distributors, and employees affiliated with Exacta Car Wash Systems (exacta.com).
☎ Contact Us
To get an account or reach our service department, please contact:
- the Exact One Help desk at 1-800-492-4226 or 1-403-287-9411
- or by email.
If you cannot get through please call us at 403-287-9411 or email us at service@exacta.com.
Service support is available 7 days a week between 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM MST.
Download our Remote Service software: directly from: TeamViewer
The IP address of your computer is:
How to Use Online Support
Select the Login option in the upper right hand corner to gain full access to this Support site. If you do not have a user ID please see Contact Us.
It is best to first login to be able to access all the topics and media you have permissions for. If you get “Forbidden” when clicking on a link, that means that item is not available at your permission level.
If you have questions about your access level or errors and omissions related to this site please contact Exacta Customer Support.